Home Watching Services

Provider of complete home watching services for the Jersey Shore Area.

Peace of Mind Home Watching Service Logo

Home Watching Services

For Over 15 Years

As your New Jersey home sits vacant throughout the off-season, situations can occur that need prompt attention. Peace of Mind Home Watching Services monitors your home and takes preventive steps to reduce hazards including:

  • Freezing/bursting pipes
  • Wind damage
  • Leaks and flooding issues
  • Pests
  • Security threats 

From extreme weather events to normal wear and tear, costly unforeseen damage can happen. By checking on your home on a regular basis, we can prevent or minimize most problems – saving you time, hassle and considerable expense.

Our Services

Comprehensive Interior and Exterior Walk-Through Inspections.

Physically Check

  • All doors
  • All windows
  • Mechanicals
  • Electrical panels
  • Fuel readings
  • HVAC operations/settings
  • Automation equipment
  • Alarm system
  • Wi-Fi
  • Plus more


• Pre and Post Storm inspections
• Alarm activation response (24/7)
• Run motor vehicles (if requested)
• Snow Removal (if requested)
• Coordination and supervision of contractors
• Mail forwarding
• 24 hour emergency response
• Water plants
• Much more

We’ll Protect Your Home For You

We provide professional and reliable home watching for you. Reach out to learn more.

We Will Chaperone Workers 

Does your home need work from a repairman or service working while you are away? Look no further as we will chaperone any and all workers for you.

24/7 Alarm Response 

Whether it is a fire, CO, water sensor or burglary alarm, we will respond and ensure everything at your home is ok, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Ready to talk?

Whether you looking to hire a professional New Jersey Home Watcher, or just looking for more information. Fill out the form below and you will be contacted by us in a timely manner.